Friday Focus – Peace

In this series we are looking at the ‘fruits of the Spirit’ mentioned in Galatians.

Today’s ‘fruit’ is peace. I am reading from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 10, verse 34 in the English Standard Version.   

Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

Picture it. Two people sat opposite each other, arms crossed, glaring at each other. They aren’t fighting physically or verbally. In fact it’s completely quiet. However, we wouldn’t call that a peaceful situation. They are clearly still upset with one another. They are hurt and maybe feel there’s a lack of justice. Neither feels safe or satisfied. Quietness or even just lack of fighting is not peace.

In the Bible peace is about justice and well-being. Peace is about being included and affirmed in the community or family life. Jesus didn’t come to bring about the so called peace and quiet of an easy life, where disagreements get swept under the rug and grudges grow deeper. No – instead Jesus calls us to the messy, noisy peace that uproots injustice and encourages us to talk our disagreements out and to make true amends.  Jesus calls us to a peace where we truly see each other and want to help each other in our differences.

So when we say a fruit of the Spirit is peace, this justice and reconciliation between warring factions – even if just between our friends – is what Paul is talking about in Galatians. Peace is the fruit of well-being, belonging and peace making.

Let us pray – in the words of St Francis of Assisi


“Let me be an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me bring your love.  Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.  Where there is discord, let me bring union.”

Loving God, fill us with your spirit.  May the fruit of well-being, belonging and peace making be evident in our lives.


Thank you for listening and for praying with me.  I hope you will join us again next Friday, when we look at the fruit of joy.

Written by Rev Angela Rigby